Preceptors in the WEB WOC Preceptor Network provide a crucial role in WOC education. Once learners have completed the theoretical portion of the program, they are eager to put it into practice. WEB WOC Preceptors, credentialed experts in their field, provide clinical guidance and support throughout the clinical practicum.
Preceptor applications for the WEB WOC Nursing Education Program are accepted throughout the year. For information on clinical expectations and preceptor qualifications are below.
For questions about submitting your Preceptor Application, please contact
ONLINE PRECEPTOR APPLICATION. Start by creating a WEB WOC UserID and Password and then complete the online application. You may begin your application at any time, save your information, and return to complete the application if you don’t have all the necessary information at hand. Once your application is finished, you must click “SUBMIT” in order to complete the online application process. If you do not see the message “THANK YOU FOR SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION”, you have not fully completed the online application process. We look forward to welcoming you into the WEB WOC Preceptor Network!
A contract between WEB WOC Nursing Education Program and your preceptor’s facility is required prior to beginning your clinical experience. WEB WOC will facilitate this process but requires the contact information of the person in charge of contracting at your preceptor’s facility (someone with the authority to review and sign legal contracts for the facility). The contracting process can take 8-10 weeks. The Practicum Advisor will notify the learner if a Clinical Contracting Form is needed.